Thursday, March 6, 2014

My first "Date"...

I'm glowing this morning like a freshly fucked hot wife. 

I met my first "date" last night. We will call him John for the sake of privacy. John an I have been chatting for just about a week now. He sent me a message on AshleyMadison it read as follows-"Hi my name is John. I'm coming to Your town tonight to visit family. If your free maybe we could meet up later tonight. I'm staying at the XXXXXX hotel. My email is" so we messaged back and forth. I was unable to make it that night. We chatted and talked,him and my husband talked. My husband told him of our rules, he did allow John the privilege of kissing me, which for us was a hardimit ( I'm glad he did) he was perfectly fine with all our limits. He his background and experiences makes him a perfect for for our situation. 

The Morning Of...

We both confided in one another how nervous we were an excited at the same time. We agreed to meet at the hotel bar where he was staying around 7:30 pm have a couple drinks, talk and see how it goes. 

I got to the bar about an hour before him. I planned it that way so I would have time to drink some liquid courage an relax a bit. It was a nice little bar, mostly locals hanging out. I found a small table against the wall where I could see the room an ordered my first shot of Patron an a Malibu an coke.
The Dj was doing karaoke, he kept insisting on me to sing. I refused my nerves was a big enough mess. There was a couple who came in shortly after I arrived. They took a seat at the bar. She took a few turns singing and had a beauitful voice. I texted with my husband a bit, surfed Facebook. Trying to think about anything but what was about to happen.. 

Around 7pm I ordered another shot. Btw I didn't have dinner. So this shot went straight to my head. 7:15pm I was feeling much more confidant an I texted John asking him when he was coming! He asked if I was here an I acknowledged that in deed I was. 

5 mins later he is standing next to our table. At 6 foot plus, He was towering over me at only 5'4. He smelled so good I could smell him even before He touched him. He leaned down an hugged me. We embraced, pulled back slightly and gave each other a soft hello kiss. Silently thanking my husband for lifting the kissing ban, he asked if I wanted anything from the bar while he went to get his own drink. I declined and watched him walk away. Dressed in a tshirt, jeans and as he called them his Jesus flip flips. He was a sight. Broad shoulders an arms which I found out later are 21 inches! I admit I have a attraction to men with muscular arms. Not so big they walk funny. But nice arms. I sat there feeling like I had hit the jackpot as I watched him lean against the bar to place his order.
He came back drink in hand sat down and we started to chat. He reminds me of my husband in the since that he can ramble on about anything. Haha one of the many things I love about my husband. John and I chatted for a little while before the DJ was back at the table trying to get me to sing. He kept saying it's the easiest song, of course it was. He was talking about the song "tequila" John seen the angist in my face and took the mic. The Dj went back to his table a an we sat and laughed. The song was over an we still had the mic. So John starts addressing him across the mic. He finally came back and took the mic from us. The couple at the bar who came in earlier came over a a started chatting our faces off. She kept insisting for me to sing with her. I politely declined. I told her I did need to potty. Like women do we went to the bathroom. When we came back out John was still talking to her husband. We stood around about 30 mins listening to them. Finally the wife wondered off and I'm left listening to these two men conversing over people they know. Next thing I know we are being invited to their house for a BBQ. All I could do was giggle. I wanted to tell him "this is out first meeting and we are just here to fuck and right now your cock blocking me!"  I didn't though. I smiled and nodded. Soon I excused myself from the conversation and went to the bar to get our tabs. I cashed us and and returned to the two men. I walked up close to John with his debit card in my hand I gave it to him and asked if he was ready to go. He smiled with relief on his face and we said our good byes and left quickly. As we walked out the doors we both started giggling. He pulled me close and kissed me again with a "question of are you ok with this in his eyes". I smiled an asked where his room was. He asked where I parked and we walked to my car. We got in and drove across the parking lot. I gathered my keys and we got out. He waited for me and took me by the hand and led me to his room... 


  1. This is going to be the beginning of a very interesting chapter for us Ma'am

    I love you

  2. When we first started we also had the rule no kissing! Think it was our belief that it was too personal. Sex is personal! So we ditched that rule and my wife can safely say the sex as amazing now with her bull as kissing adds to the intensity. Every couple have their rules ours is that i am always present when she gets fucked. That doesnt stop me leaving them for a period alone and joining later. All i can say its rejuvinated our marriage xx
